I'd like to know where all the fundraiser money before he passed went. Then what has this fundraiser been spent on because funerals for children are free.
I'm not going to discuss blame on here and keep my options to myself on that matter but....
This rainbow tit since he passed. Like mentioned above is all for the brand. Its pretty damn obvious what her intentions are.
In the earlier days he was in a full pad, leaking all over the carpets everyday. Then when he was dressed it was extremely baggy clothes that were chavvy. Then she started trying to get in with the influencers and working with brands and then it was all Zara and dressing him in stuff she'd never done just for the free clothes so she wouldn't need to fork out dressing him. Let's not forget the constant begs for him being a model for clothing brands.
Now all of a sudden rainbows were him.
She couldn't even chuck a spare pair of clothes in the car in case he had one of his 50 vomits a day for crying out loud.
I could spot the brand/shop coming a mile off when the affirmations on the tote was purposefully placed in stories at the coast. The leather jacket. The trainers.
The staged pictures of her working on the shop by her friend.... like duck they were taken randomly.
Nothing is random with her. It's always been calculated, planned right from the beginning.
The crying in stories. I am all for people speaking out about grief. It needs to be done. It needs to be discussed.... but getting her phone out to film her cry? Sorry but that whole thing gave me staged vibes.
Getting people to share their memories of her son.... non of these people knew him!!!!!!!I are strangers. And all of that is for engagement. Don't DM me your memories put them on the post.... engagement.
Everything is done to higher her profile. I wondered where she'd go with this after his death and hoped she'd take herself off and grieve. But no. The swipe up links are back, profiting off him as per usual. I am absolutely devasted for J. We all watched the neglect, the questionable actions.
I do believe this thread should be here. If you don't like it don't read simple.
Did I ever see her reaching out to grieving parents before her own son passed?no.
Did I ever see her give to others fundraisers?no.
Did I ever see her supporting over diagnosis and health matters?no.
I saw her making it all about her every time. Slagging off cancer wards the same wards her new pals Saff and Ash stayed on. I saw her never supporting anyone unless is gained her something.
Every child that dies has the same devastating impact as the other. It is the most heartbreaking, world ending thing to happen to a parent. Seeing her with thousands of support, money to splurge and show off, seeing her hold firework displays, getting strangers to share their favourite pictures of j, lighting candles, making merchandise off a child who never could agree to any of the things even when he was here.... it's too far. But she's not thinking of others who are grieving. Of his dad who probably has no say in all of this. Of his family who have all now appeared in a off of smoke. Of the people giving their money to line her pockets so she can carry on the influencer life, having people kiss her arse because she gets off on that. And most importantly this isn't fair on j.
His whole life was laid bare, vomits, leaking patches, burnt skin, naked body, pain, distress, missed feeds and meds, being passed from carer to father, the ableism from his own mother.... and now even in death his life is still being paraded around like its a cinema showing that people have to buy a ticket for. This isn't a time to make profit and share swipe up links. A little boy has sadly passed and I am in complete shock that she has surpassed all my expectations. I honestly thought it would end. This will never end.