How can she just put yes without explaining why she isnt going to work everyday. It wont be annual leave, she cant be saying shes sick because shes filming herself doing ads. I think she might still have the job technically but has been suspended, that's the only thing I can think of, because it would be pretty shady if shes taken the role and then used jaxons medical needs to stay off work because she knew we was in the middle of a pandemic before she accepted the role and she has known of his needs since birth.
Why is she telling people to lock their windows and put their keys in a tin? If shes going to tell everyone tomorrow shes been burgled how much do you bet all "the xmas presents and the merc have gone" hinting for people to help as it's a few days before xmas so people will feel sorry for her. If shes been ""burgled" she mixes with enough "bad boys" to have done her an insurance job. Shes mid lease, spent too much and is skint, it gives her an excuse to downsize the car and make some dollar if shes had someone "steal" it. I know it's not giving her the benefit of the doubt but after she couldnt even share jaxons grans fundraiser, I think shes capable of being sly in lots of different scenarios.