
He is literally the worst husband ever. To be honest I just feel sorry for her now- I think there’s a lot of papering over cracks and trying to show she’s doing great. No matter how amaaazing her eldest is being alone with 2 small kids 24/7 will be hard (I know she’s a nanny so will cope better than most). The minute a DC had been being a potentially life limiting illness I know DH would have found a job closer to home so he could be around all the time. Seems bizarre to live away half the years.
He probably makes very good money (more than he’d get with a job closer to home) and he spends long periods at home when he doesn’t work. That’s the trade-off, but I don’t think it can work indefinitely. I’d honestly be so upset about the embryo transfer.
I’m sure she shared with her husband first. I can’t imagine finding out I’m pregnant and not being able to share by with him live for 2 months..,
Its a sad life really, I feel for her 😔 , we work mad shifts here and balance the kids but at least we do eventually see one another even of its to pass put in front of the TV
Her blurring her daughter’s face but still bothering to upload content of her just doesn’t make sense to me. If you feel you have to blur her face, the internet probably doesn’t need to see it. Particularly as somebody who has worked with children and is so aware of safe guarding issues. I shouldn’t know so many details of your child’s childhood.
I wonder how long her husband will keep the type of job he has. How feasible is it to have a partner gone for almost 2 months at a time with one newborn and one preschooler with medical needs?
But I must blur her face to protect her privacy, but still upload because you all need to know that she eats so well.
And it’s a half arsed effort of hiding her face too, if it’s a sideways shot she doesn’t bother and you can still clearly see her face!
I wonder how long her husband will keep the type of job he has. How feasible is it to have a partner gone for almost 2 months at a time with one newborn and one preschooler with medical needs?
Yep, it is not a family dynamic that’s even worth it. Adapt your job to your family now. They need your PRESENCE not your ££.