VIP Member
I have just come across this account whilst looking at posts about national adoption week. Raising awareness about adoption is great but I think what they are doing is sickening and ethically and morally wrong. They are monetising their adopted child who has been permanently removed from his birth family and cannot consent to any of this. Children have a human right to a private and family life and I bet you when it was argued this child should be adopted that was one of the arguments used for adoption and now the child is being used as a cash cow! Not much of a private life there. And how will this all fit with this child’s life story and explaining to him when he is older that he was monetised through social media. Not only could the oversharing put the child and adoptive placement at risk just imagine being the birth parent of that child and coming across their account. I was thinking that maybe it’s an open adoption but not likely or the birth parent has passed away because I cannot see on what planet they would think it is ok to use their adopted child to make money on a public social media platform!