
What’s she done now? I’m blocked 😂

she very irresponsibly put up a set of stories saying that she bumped into a friend (we all know she hasn’t got any) who’s husband is a Dr at the local hospital. She then went on to list a load of Dr’s who were off or hospitalized with covid and said if you needed vascular or cardiac surgery you were fucked. She is so unbelievably stupid and thick. The posts were so insincere it was a joke. She then said that non covid believers should be ashamed of themselves. Failed to mention people like her who kept going on little shopping jollies are just as bad!
Those NHS stories where awful! I can't decide if she is really so self centered she doesn't care or just plain thick. Must admit I had a good giggle at the story yesterday on how nige was building a car shed and she didn't know how he gets so much done in a day. erm.... perhaps because he actually knows what a hard days work looks like and doesn't consider cooking and getting a manicure a stressfull day.
Now she wants panelling in her bedroom! What a surprise! Do any of these vacuous people ever have their own ideas?
I don’t understand, I’m sure she talked about them knocking down that house to build another? Is this happening? Why spend out on doing all that work like the porch etc if you’re going to knock it down?
Isn’t it attached to another bungalow that Nigels brother and family lives in?
Oh possibly, they definitely live next door.

Those puppy stories 😡😡😡😡 she put up a picture of her MIL dog the other day, he was ‘supposedly’ the dad. Absolute bollocks. Ted was the dad, you can see by their colors! She stupidly had Ted still fully intact and probably accidentally mated them. Father and daughter 🤢
Also saying that you should only breed if you have homes? She bleeping advertised them on Instagram!! She did not have homes already!
She’s such a piece of tit.
I was wondering what she was going to do for new content as Annie is getting too old and started school. So a puppy it is then. I’m guessing this 4th dog won’t be insured either.
Waiting for the onslaught of puppy freebies. Wonder how many brands of dog food she will be advertising now?
Ohh. God For f sake. Hi my name is Kirsty we have a new puppy ffs. those local know were we live. please come round and steal our new puppy hope it makes you lots of money when you sell it on . Kirsty you dope. Puppy dog theft is at its highest ever right now . Puppy’s make more money sold on than drugs. right now yes known fact I have a police officer friend . . those that want puppy’s to sell on they do not care how they get them if it means breaking in . They will ,yet we get dopey Kirsty Oh look every look what we got. How pathetic you do not know who is watching you . No no no. You stupid person. . Kirsty if they want that dog they will break in your house and get it . .you have just shared it to everyone
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If she’s informing us of how taking a dog to the vet procedure goes, even thought it’s been 11 months of this. Does this mean that her other dogs haven’t had their boosters?
And she can’t say that a vet came to the farm because a) they don’t farm animals (worst excuse for a farmers wife going) b) they don’t do that, coming from someone who has a vet to the farm every other week for herd health check up
If she’s informing us of how taking a dog to the vet procedure goes, even thought it’s been 11 months of this. Does this mean that her other dogs haven’t had their boosters?
And she can’t say that a vet came to the farm because a) they don’t farm animals (worst excuse for a farmers wife going) b) they don’t do that, coming from someone who has a vet to the farm every other week for herd health check up
I would put money on the fact those other dogs don’t get their jabs. She doesn’t bother to insure them so I doubt she does anything else she should!
What makes me laugh is the story she put up the other day saying she would only breed dogs that have been health tested. Absolute bull crap that she did that! Wouldn’t be at all surprised if she got this new dog to breed from. She’s a twit, bet she doesn’t even worm them
To be fair not all vaccines need renewing yearly once the dog has had so many doses its very vet dependent what they recommend my vet is very firmly in the every 18 months -2 years once they have had the initial puppy set + a yearly booster unless they're considered higher risk. But you'd think with them out hunting and interacting with wildlife and other dogs they'd get them done yearly just incase particularly if planning to bring in a puppy.
What I don't understand is she is endlessly pleading poverty and how expensive having 4 kids and a falling down house is etc. yet puppies are so expensive, the initial outlay is insane currently but then you have the feed, insurance, routine vet trips than insurance won't cover etc. My two dogs are both mongrels and rescues so didn't cost a penny to buy, they still cost me a couple of hundred a year in routine vet stuff and about one hundred a month in high quality feed. Either she is feeding them crap, is really stupid and hasn't planned ahead or there is more money flowing than she lets on.
Hang on, Annie has a fever but they have sent the other kids to school?? I thought the family had to isolate until a negative test result?
Jesus, I wonder if she’s actually told the school?
Bet she still carries on taking herself off to the shops and I bet she won’t bother with lateral flow tests because she’s a selfish cow.