- Victoria Emes


Racist dog whistle after racist dog whistle.

Maybe their parents bought them their trainers like yours did that house in their ends 😂
Can’t stand her. I’m no prude but I find her absolutely rank. All that talk about cheesy nipples and arseholes and minges. The only good point is that she doesn’t show them (unlike the equally vile Knee Deep In Life) so there’s always that, I suppose.

Sought this thread out to have a moan about her latest post and stories. So she’s dancing about like a dick in her mum jeans, pulled right up her crack. Making herself look a twit. Fine. That’s fine. If you want to make yourself look a twit, you go right ahead. But in stories her little boy can be heard saying mummy don’t do that. It’s silly. Poor kid is cringing probably. But she’s clearly making him feel uncomfortable and I can see why. So she puts it on stories and calls him a knobhead. Nice.

I suppose it’s an improvement on calling her kids a pair of cunts for waking her up at 4:45am last week.

I used to like her but this year she’s clearly trying to be more controversial for more engagement. Nope. Not for me. I’ve unfollowed


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Omg! Did she really say that about her kids?! I know children are annoying (I have a couple myself) but it’s really not on referring to them that way on a public forum to thousands of followers just for the lolz and likes. When are the influencers going to get it into their minuscule brains that once something is out there, it is OUT THERE. I have the same problem with Knee Deep In Life. I know she had PND and I know it’s a subject that needs talking about but imagine how her kid will feel when they come across her talking about she hated him for the first few years of his life. They all have tit for brains, from the ODs right through to this couple of planks.
Omg! Did she really say that about her kids?! I know children are annoying (I have a couple myself) but it’s really not on referring to them that way on a public forum to thousands of followers just for the lolz and likes. When are the influencers going to get it into their minuscule brains that once something is out there, it is OUT THERE. I have the same problem with Knee Deep In Life. I know she had PND and I know it’s a subject that needs talking about but imagine how her kid will feel when they come across her talking about she hated him for the first few years of his life. They all have tit for brains, from the ODs right through to this couple of planks.
Yep she did. I should’ve screen grabbed it but was a bit horrified. She’s obviously sleep deprived. I’m a parent too. I get it. My youngest had health problems which meant we were either woken by him or I’d be creeping in to make sure he was still breathing. It was super scary (he’s fine now btw) I hit rock bottom a few times due to lack of sleep and worry. But there’s honestly no need for the way she behaves. Then I see The Nurse Mum surviving on 2 hours sleep because he little boy who is severely ill has had his care cut, trying everyday to keep him alive. VE is a disgrace.

Regarding knee deep in life, same. It’s like another level of slummy mummy. Both of them have the same answer to criticism, if you don’t like duck off! I don’t so off I duck.
I stopped following her ages ago. I forgot about her until this morning and I saw she had changed her name and is now a full time Instawanker. I couldn’t stand her before but now she seems to have mutated into a cross between Rosie Ramsey and Janet Street Porter. I do not think her song is funny. She baffles me.
I usually find her quite funny. Her latest song though...isn't she an instawanker? Like what ceo's is she going to be emailing? How much work does a mediocre influencer actually need to do at home?
I usually find her quite funny. Her latest song though...isn't she an instawanker? Like what ceo's is she going to be emailing? How much work does a mediocre influencer actually need to do at home?

Yes, I was confused by that too! I thought she used to work in a school and gave it all up to be an mumfluencer 😏