What was the significance of Theodora always wearing gloves?
Theodora says she was the Watcher but she wasn't, that was a lie. But was everything else she said a lie too - so John Graff did murder his family and those were the real photos...then what about the girl who appeared at night, was she meant to be real? A ghost?
Going back to John Graff, was he meant to be the person living in the tunnel? Are we to assume the reason he killed his family was a) because they were annoying - although to be fair, the son in particular didn't seem to have done anything wrong and b) because he was having an affair with Pearl next door??! And what was the thing about the bodies being drained of blood?
Then there's Mitch and Mo - are they in a blood cult? Were the 2 people killed (and mistaken for them) actually just random homeless people, was it their son who did it? Was the guy who accused them an actor or was that just coincidence?
At the end when the teacher guy says to John Graff that he knows where he recognises him from, is this meant to be that he knows he's John Graff?
What was with people reusing the same phrases, anything in that or just a red herring? (at one point I thought it was going to be a Truman Show type thing and everyone was an actor apart from the main family!)
Who was meant to have killed the ferret?
Finally where was Nora making all these pots she kept selling?! We never once saw her anywhere near a kiln or potters wheel!
The most she did was waft about in beige, and go to the country club!