The Unlikely Dad

he did always seem a little too smug. “Look at me and my perfect relationship”. I always thought the whole “gym guy” thing that he started was a bit off as well.

I also get the feeling it was him that has initiated it. He’s always come across to me as entitled and very up himself.

He is so smug and entitled. I wonder what it must be like to live with one of these influencing wankers. His husband is a TA, I think in a special school. That's really hard work with low pay and is so much more worthwhile that flicking coffee pods in to a machine to record content. I would find it really hard to come home from a full on day at work to listen to some one dramatis how hard it is to film the content they have created....never mind the total oversharing of Kai'a life and development. Working in a school would make that lack of privacy for my child very challenging to be around.

Will be interesting to see how that statement weathers, just have a look at Mother Pukka and her harmonious uncoupling just a year down the line to see how it pans out!
So he’s kept the house and his husband is off in a flat by the looks of it. And of course it’s still content for Tom!
I’d presume so because he still posts from the house, so I’m guessing Danny moved out.

also, why refer to him as his “soul mate” if he’s content with them splitting? Surely he isn’t his “soul mate” if he’s decided to end things?

I don’t believe in staying in a relationship that makes you unhappy, but I do think social media has a lot to answer for in terms of people never being content and always looking for more.
He’s so bloody ignorant, constantly posting about his cytomegalovirus and then putting “I know I’ve never heard of it either”, like it’s nothing. That virus is devastating for unborn babies. It’s definitely all “me me me” with him, no wonder Kai has turned into a brat.
Crying laughing at this. He has stood on on a platform and set up his phone to record himself pacing around on the platform.
I'd love to meet his to ex in a pub, I'm getting the feeling he is is utterly to feed up with living the influencer life!
They’ve really turned that child into an insufferable little brat who opens other people’s gifts and blows out other people’s candles. They have literally raised him to believe that he’s the centre of the universe. These might seem small things to them, but ultimately they’re just reinforcing that he’s the most important person in the world and it’s going to backfire when he’s an adult and too much of a high maintenance diva to function in the real world.
They’ve really turned that child into an insufferable little brat who opens other people’s gifts and blows out other people’s candles. They have literally raised him to believe that he’s the centre of the universe. These might seem small things to them, but ultimately they’re just reinforcing that he’s the most important person in the world and it’s going to backfire when he’s an adult and too much of a high maintenance diva to function in the real world.
I agree. I would go out of my way to avoid both Kai and Tom
I agree. I would go out of my way to avoid both Kai and Tom
Same, I think Tom has moulded Kai into the demanding, self-centred, spoilt brat that he’s always wanted to be deep down.

They’re both unlikeable. People on the internet and people in person have told Tom that Kai is unlikeable but he thinks it’s everyone else with the problem.

The whole point of raising a child is to give them the skills to function in the adult world as a decent human being and so far they aren’t managing that.
Just like Tom, then?

I noticed the candle blowing. And the fact that Kai was filming it all on his phone. He's been raised to think it's normal to experience life through the phone camera.
Yep exactly.

Even if his nephew didn’t mind, I think it’s really rude and selfish to allow Kai to blow out the candles (I noticed his nephew ended up blowing out the tea lights on the table?) He needs to learn that other people are important and that it isn’t his world.

And yeah I thought that about the filming as well, it’s all he’s ever seen.