Is the split / steal element in the rules for the Uk version - Claudia always says ‘the traitors will steal everything’ it’s always made me think that the traitors would split any money, there was no discussion from Harry etc about splitting / stealing, I actually think it would be such an anticlimax (for the Uk version)! If traitors are there at the end, it’s because they’ve played a good game and deserve it, although I do think the ending was perfect for this particular series purely because of how awful Sam was! I wonder if the producers brought it in as a rule during the game after seeing how it played out, it was obvious Sam would be in the final and that they wouldn’t probably be left with multiple traitors, I think they didn’t want him to win money and also it still gave a reason to watch to the end, I’d already switched off a few episodes before but knowing there was a twist I watched the final, I imagine watching it live when it was on in Australia for the last few episodes the writing was on the wall, the traitors had the majority vote so without the steal / split option and with how stupid the faithfuls were it was obvious a traitor would win.