Gawd Tim, you are really stuck on Stranger Things and hoping there is a house at HHN's. Stop assuming people give a tit about a house based on a TV show. I totally get based on reactions from this board people love Stranger Things. But like anything else, it is hard to base stuff on movies or tv shows (or music acts) that people have not seen, so they won't get the reference. They are just going to get scared.
Tim was complaining about a breakfast sandwich and complain it would have been better, shocker, if it was a basic breakfast sandwich of sausage, egg, and cheese. Tim, people do want a change of a basic sandwich and might actually like having avocado and everything bagel seasoning on their sandwich.
Personally when I have gone to parks and I assume most people do this, they eat breakfast before they go to the park. I get life gets in the way and people don't have a chance to get breakfast before they go and hence why they offer breakfast. Judging from Tim's past video's at Disney and Universal, breakfast options are very limited. So I assuming people don't plan breakfast at parks, but the parks offer something just in case.
So he talks about the Japanese cartoon character and it takes him about 3 minutes of talking about the merch before he explains what it is. Assuming people know what it is. I had to look it up before he explains it. Then he did a poor job explaining it. He just took what I read on Wiki and like another poster nicely stated, Parroted.