VIP Member
I still can't believe they're letting him go in the water all willynilly like that without any form of protection. Hell, I doubt hey even have a bottle of Swimmers Ear with them since they can't ever remember to bring Jenn's hairbrush. I did wonder when they left if they didn't show J$ then because the horns/sail away party overwhelmed him. They claimed he was in the pool then but who even knows.
The pool isn't even open during the sail away party. The pool is actually underneath the area where you stand for the party. He could have been at the splash pad---but they did specifically say pool.
I haven't watched yet, so I don't know where the magic band conversation is coming from but--You do not have to turn that in/pay for it until debarkation. Even if you never have any intention of entering the kid's club again.
My kids are too old now, but before magic bands, they had these other kind of bracelets that they gave to every kid, even if they didn't use the kid club. Then if the kid got lost, they could easily scan it, find their stateroom/who they belong to. I know this because I had a child who couldn't even say her name at 3 years old who got lost on the Wonder. I left the room with my older daughter. Younger daughter left the room trying to catch me and went the opposite way. She found a CM, which is what I always taught them to do---find someone with a name tag. But she couldn't say this is my name....so they scanned her band. Point being, they serve a purpose outside of the kid's club and it's fine that Buddy is wearing one even if he never goes back.