Ginn: "I've had sciatica for as long as I remember"
Me: "So like... for the last 30 seconds?"
She also mentions she grinds her teeth at night. She must barely be grinding them, cause I also grind my teeth at night and have for years and I have to wear a custom nightguard (that I usually have to replace every couple of years) because otherwise I will either wake up with lockjaw or a debilitating migraine (more of a skull pain) that needs prescription pain to be able to function.
I know it was said repeatedly for like 20+ pages, but wow, she seriously is a soulless bleep. She is more attached to her iPad than her own children. Not only does she eat waaaaaaaaaaaay too much food, but she still manages to waste a lot of it too which feels even more particularly disgusting to me these days than usual. She really has no shame or awareness of anything outside of herself.