Also, they have absolutely ruined any chance for J to be able to handle his jealousy of DaBaby by never preparing him for any of this. It was just dumb for her to explain how J acts around O and how he wants them to give him more attention when they show any attention to baby. She is saying this tit like it happens to everyone and what are ya gonna do. Sure, kids will be jealous of the new baby, but also you work at getting them ready and guide them into appropriate responses for their jealousy. J demanding they hold him while they are holding/feeding the baby and Jenn saying she tries to put her arm around him is just annoying. Instead, work on setting expectations with him. You don't get what you want because you ask, beg, scream, or throw a fit about it. What is going to happen at school when that kid isn't the center of attention? Yikes. He is learning that to get more attention, he just needs to act up. Ugh.
Jackson is 3 years, 3 months and 1 week older than Oliver.
My son is 2 years 9.5 months older than his sister.
This is almost six month
younger than J$.
Difference is that I prepared my son for a new sibling. I talked to him about what was happening as my stomach expanded. We read books about babies together. I pointed out babies that we saw when out and about. We talked about how they are little and we must be gentle with them. And, yes, we discussed what
gentle means. He helped me shop for a stroller and set up the nursery. He was so excited for a younger sibling.
My daughter was born before Christmas.
I was in my hospital room when I heard a loud little voice “No! That’s for my mommy!”
(he had brought me a little poinsettia plant, but he needed to sanitize his hands and put on a toddler paper gown first. The nurse was just trying to help him)
I peeked my head out of my room. He came racing down the hall. Hands me the plant, makes a bee line for the baby bassinet and was stepping on the lower shelf to see her. I told him to sit in the chair. He wiggled his little tussy back into the chair so he was sitting up straight and I placed her in his arms. I explained that he had to support her neck, showing him how. When he had enough of holding her I took her back and placed her in the bassinet. I then gave him a gift wrapped box (containing a Mickey plushie) as a present from his sister.
At home he was a helper in getting things for her.
ie. diapers, burping clothes, blankets etc.
None of this was Jackson’s experience.
And I don’t know what he saw or heard at the hospital, as he was present too.
Seriously! What dipstick parents take their child with them to the hospital when the baby is being born. Expecting the hospital staff to babysit him. I can understand an hour or two till someone picks them up. But it is my understanding that Jackson was with them the entire hospital stay.
Make this make sense.