I watched all the Poly videos as we were there at the same time. I would have loved to brag here that I showed up in a video, but we were hanging at the quiet pool away from where the Vlogs were filmed.
Disney resorts are AMAZING but gosh they're expensive. I am boggled by the fact that a family would book "theme park view" during holiday pricing and not realize what they were getting for their gazillion dollars. Two things surprised me about their room comments. First of all, the original buildings at Poly have no balconies on the second floor. If that matters to you, you request first or third floor. More importantly, they shelled out for theme park view during a massive construction project, which GUARANTEED they were gonna be by the dig site. I believe the only other buildings with theme park view are Hawaii which is concierge, and Moorea which is DVC. Paying for theme park view now, when a ten-foot tower is being constructed NEXT TO YOUR PATIO (oh wait, sorry you didn't have a patio), just seems crazy to me. If you book that category, you're getting Tuvalu.
I stayed in Tuvalu once. It was some years back, and it was heavenly. My husband got invited to visit the College Program because he works at a public university (sexual orientation not mentioned in mission statement) in placement. I figured they would put us near the dumpsters, and when instead we got into that room and saw the view, I legit Molly-cried. But the room was FREE and there was a beautiful beach adjacent then, not a hard hat zone. I don't know why it bugs me when other people waste money, but it does.