Chatty Member
My first was incredibly hard to burp so we had to be firmer than what I would have thought pre-kids. And she was a baby that loved movement to fall asleep but she hated bouncers and swings. They weren’t crazy enough. Used to hold her and sit on a yoga ball and bounce like crazy. Or swing her like crazy in your arms. And she also needed to touch her hair. I hated it but it was what worked. We worked hard as she got older to lessen what she needed. Shes 7 now and has sensory needs when falling asleep (still loves her hair and blankets must be smoothed out) but she’s also a daredevil that loves roller coasters, going fast as possible, etc. So it all makes sense. But I was so grateful my other kids didn’t need all of that. It was exhausting.Some babies require weird things. When I worked in an infant daycare, we had a baby about a year old. To get to sleep, you had to give him a bottle and rock him as fast as you could with his other arm free to rub his hand through his hair. And I mean rock as fast as you could or else it wouldn’t happen. It was a workout. Parents orders so we did it. I got pretty good at it too