If my child was being bullied at school the last thing I would be doing would be filming his slept in bed, his person possessions around his bed, his wardrobe, opening his drawers and showing his drawers full of clothes. I wouldn’t be telling the world that he only wears the same clothes over and over again and would wear them until he could no longer get in them. Instead of sifting through his older brother‘s clothes for some that might do him, I’d pack him off for the day, just me and him, and treat him to some new ones. You know, just like his older sisters get. I will eat my hat if there’s not an Inverness shopping trip for the older girls and Scraggy Aggie in the Easter Holidays.
Why are the children tired and emotional because it’s nearly the Easter holidays? It’s not been a long term at all. Easter is really bloody early this year, I don’t like it all. It‘s thrown me right out, I could do with it being in the middle of April. Mind you, it wouldn’t matter when it was, the Sullivan children would be tired and emotional. I’m surprised they’re not “tired and emotional“ every bloody Friday, tbh.
He’s a sexist pig teaching his boys about car maintenance. Don’t women and girls drive cars then? It’s a very sexist house, isn’t it?
I have to laugh at Zoe wanting more time to herself. She doesn’t spend anytime with kids as it is.