But it’s not good for her. We all act like Kate “blagging” wills is some big achievement. And women are encouraged to look up to Kate because she “got the guy” who was an “eligible bachelor”.
except was he ever that eligible? He has money and status so… ok.
but he also isn’t great in the looks department. He’d never had a hugely charismatic personality, reportedly has a nasty temper. Has shown ambivalence towards her to the extent he broke up with her and was drunk/hungover the morning of their wedding. He’s not exceptionally talented, or clever. He’s not a catch on any real sense of the word.
mid anything, poor kate. Because she has settled for a substandard man because she’s been deluded enough to believe in his status, probably because of her own family background and their inverse snobbery. He’s been pictured out partying with other women with rumours he had a long term mistress etc etc. people dismiss all this because they want to believe in the fantasy.
what sort of situation is Kate in, realistically? William, let’s face it, married her because in all probability he knew she’d never divorce him. Because she can’t.
she has no job to fall back on. William and his family have more of a legal right to their children than she does it ever will have. Her parents aren’t wealthy enough to fight that level of primary legislation. She can’t earn a wage by herself and so is totally reliant on the fact that William can’t divorce her. At best, her sister’s family could financially help her - but sure as tit she is stuck in that marriage. It might be the best relationship in the world or it could be deeply toxic - either way Kate is pretty stuck in it. And no woman should ever say “well done” for that, for absolutely cornering herself for the sake of money and status.
in another life, kate would’ve pursued a career and earned her own money. She’d have settled down with a guy who didn’t get drunk the morning of their wedding, who didn’t break up with her for three months. She’d maybe only own a semi in the suburbs but everything she’d have would be hers and not through virtue of her husband. She’d have agency over her life. That’s what we should be encouraging women to idolise and cheer on.