Happy to see Camilla wear the State Diadem. It’s one of my favourite pieces.
Looking at the photos from Singapore- it’s good that Kate stayed behind. The looks of Cate and Hannah make it painfully obvious that she has a hard time looking glamorous. Kate can look crazy amazing (see the Bond premiere) but she often chooses styles that might be the current trend but don’t flatter her at all or looks downright like a dowdy stick (I am usually not touching this weight topic a lot but there no way around that she chooses outfits that highlight her frame and it’s not in a good way).
I see H is still sporting his royal medals when talking to veterans. You know - the ones that have nothing to do with military service at all but rather with being part of the royal family. I think just one is an actual military service one from his Afghanistan tours. I know that the jubilee medals got handed out to many people, including military personnel but I am not sure he actually qualified for them via his service but rather through his relations. Anyhow, it’s funny that “just call me Harry” is actually all about being a Duke, a Prince and sporting every medal be can have.
The comparison between the articles written about M and Kate is complicated if not impossible. You have to take into account several facts. M was the second on the scene and by that already in a loosing position. (1) Every woman, no matter how white, educated, perfect pedigree and angelic would have gotten torn to shreds after the initial praise. Which M definitely got. The smart, highly educated, with impressive work experience, strong, glamorous go-getter was pictured rather well against dowdy, work shy Kate, which, while has improved, will never be a great public speaker. Build up to the highest echelons only to be torn to shreds.
(2) Social Media was not as public eleven years ago. But if you were in the royal watching community you would definitely read similar stuff about Kate. Lazy, Duchess of Doolittle, spending crazy money on clothes, being unsatisfied with everything handed on a silver spoon, the ultra expensive Reno at Anmer Hall, the annoying way she bleep her clutch under her bumps (K version of constantly showing it), flashing and being an unsuitable embarrassment while represent the UK, being Will’s mattress and doormat, being hated by everyone in the family, being a social climber in the worst way, digging up dirt or gossip about her family members, faking HG, only having children to have an excuse not to work, the affairs…. It’s much of the same.
(3) the general tone wasn’t as heated as it is in the last couple of years.
H&M would have gone back to being the tabloids darlings. It’s all right though to say you hate it and you don’t want to play the game. No matter how much you thought you could. But they really love to present themselves as the above all. I strongly remember M saying she would be the first to apologise if she would have made a mistake ….. meaning she didn’t make any and therefore didn’t deserve the criticism. I think that was after the 11 private jet tours in 2 weeks. Or maybe I am remembering it incorrectly?
They could have shown some backbone and ignore the noise and carve their own way. W&K, while arguably in a stronger position, got years of negativity (online and in print) because they made the rules regarding their children. They stuck out and after 8 years people praise them for it. Endurance and having the eyes in the prize. There are ways- if you are willing to see it through. If you don’t, that’s fine- but I highly doubt that their fight against negativity online will succeed. It seems societies actually are developing backwards and are getting rougher and brutalise. It’s a completely contradictory trend to the official look of getting more liberal and open. I am concerned to say the least.
Back to H&M. Let’s hope all the rumours of a re-brand, away from the victim image are true. You can’t build lasting success on that. I think M understands that PR is not exactly showing your real self but rather building a positive received public narrative. Of course it’s not the authentic truth. H seems to have a harder time with that. I wonder if she got him in line finally or if he will undermine her endeavours.
In other notes, I don’t know why, but I so wish we will see a memoir by W with his head big in b/w and called HEIR. Can we also get a DUCHESS by M and a QUEEN by Kate? It would be hilarious. Not that I would read any of them though. Rather the great satire that social media would make of them all. Spare was pure gold in that regard.