It's a load of drivel.
Says the nurses gaslight. How her role as mother is equal to a professionals knowledge.
Bangs on about her being a single parent and how she's done it all on her own hospital stays blah blah. Same old tit she repeats to feed her ego.
She hasn't had the vaccine. Apparently hasn't had a bubble but then says she did bubble up with a friend. Bubbling up wasn't worth the risk...
Some points regarding people who are disabled haven't got access to the world others do and how being in a pandemic is like that for us anyway in some respects... were valid ... to those who actually don't take risks And don't go to dubhai, all places she drags him, trips to London, partying, dating, getting her lips plumped, teeth and fillers done etc.
Basically she portrays her self as Florence nightingale.
Doesn't want to bake because her kid can't eat made me laugh. Mine can't either... can't even play with it or do anything himself but I do it with him for the experience you bleeping witch.