She chose to send him back to school straight after an admission where he was extremely poorly and even had something hes never had before, the pulmonary oedema. It must have been his first day back at school when she went to Alton Towers so wouldn't have been there when he came home to see how he was. He wasn't in her care when she was out on her birthday or in london. She chose to take time off her "job" once she had made enough money and had her social life to think of. She got her donations, pushed for discharge and took time off her job and J whilst enjoying herself. That hospital admission taught her she can make alot of money from it and use it for content to increase her engagement. She can fund the lifestyle she wants by using hospital admissions.
When did he become ill, has his dad been telling her he seems poorly and she didn't cancel her plans and thought it would be ok to wait till Monday as he was having the iron infusion. That got cancelled but she decided to ask for bloods in a&e. Was he ill when his dad had him over the weekend or just when he's been back with her? I can imagine her telling his dad not to worry and she will sort it when she was done with celebrating her birthday, instead of cutting her plans short to sit in a hospital with J.
Asking people to pray for him this morning has made me feel sick. Shes back at work, on the gram and in hospital with J. My first thought was for J, whatever is going on with him I hope he improves as fast as possible and gets well soon. I feel bad for saying what my second thought was but It did cross my mind that she over dramtises hospital stays with J for content, shes back at "work" and making people really worry about J is becoming the normal for her, hospital stays are now profitable and people will be horrified seeing that shot of his hand and being asked to pray for him. She has put no details other than saying he has had the worst night of his life, if that made me think the worse I'm sure it did everyone else, she will now be quiet and leave people to be worried sick.
I think she is fighting the appeal decision, she could take it further or accept it, I'm sure the paperwork we saw her doing was the documents she was sending over for it, she doesn't mention having hours cut down and she is back to using hospital admissions for content and drumming up the worry. His health makes the difference between keeping keiras and losing them, his health deteriorates and she has a better shot of keeping them. I dont want to doubt her, but what does she expect when her behaviour is dodgy as duck. Whatever is going on I really hope J is ok and recovers soon. I also hope she doesnt make a single penny out of him being ill this time.