Next time someone comments please tell people to Google her or search Tattlelife. The weirdos are the people that follow her and soak up every word as gospel. She claims she has been gas lighted but what she does is gas lighting by putting down anyone who has anything to say and making others doubt them, that is gaslighting. She is disgusting, she takes much needed time off once she has had a pay day via her muppets but cant take time off like
@Trace Has said, when he was in hospital. She is not a mother, she isnt even a carer because they would never be allowed to take photos of people under their care like that. She is just a con woman using a disabled child to hold out a begging bowl. She needs someone like Sam Walker to expose her like he does with the other insta huns, he was already talking about the go fund me scams on instagram and charities that are dodgy this week. She is living it up with peoples donations, she has no respect and no gratitude for anything she is given. Drinking espresso martinis with the money donated for coffees in hospital makes it clear. We all know she laughs at those less fortunate than herself like when she was laughing whilst her friends waved £5 notes at her about the little boy who needed money.