Low potassium is part of his BSyndrome but it wont be helping that his meds leak from his stomach every day. I wonder what the cause of his low pot is this time, his stomach is nicely dressed for once, she has said he has had a night of vomiting and being sore. This past week her content has been quiet on the J front compared to normal, so has his leaking been bad building up to this? Last week shes printing off lots of paperwork and it's possible shes fighting the keiras decision and now he's in hospital, she's taking photos of him like that?
I feel sick to hear he is so unwell and if this has anything to do with him losing his meds from his stomach leaking constantly she should be ashamed and arrested. She is constantly messing with his feeds, she causes neglect by leaving his tube attached pulled up at an angle that puts pressure and makes him want to mess with it if it's sore and causing discomfort, he looses feeds and meds due to it, she has messed with his meds including reducing his heart meds and now he is in there like this.
I think she has already booked tickets for a holiday, she can use this hospital stay to excuse spending thousands on a luxury tropical holiday and another hospital stay will help keep keiras if she is fighting it. Keiras are being gradually withdraw each month but is this the first month where they've dropped hours? If so she hasnt made a song and dance about having less hours and the effect its having, so has she even lost any or is she keeping the full amount of hours again until shes finished fighting the appeal?
Her account is full of receipts for his hospital stays. I've looked through and read a post of hers saying he gets admitted every month but he doesnt so I added the last few up. These are his last few hospital stays - Sept 2019, October 2019, March 2020, June 2020 (when his dad stayed because she didn't realise it was only one parent plus she had ads to do), November 2020, February 2021 and now. 7 since Sept 2019. It's not all the time, but there is a pattern to it -sept and Oct 2019 losing keiras and fundraising. March 2020 when he was rushed in after the feeding school Programme with defib pads and put straight back on feeds. June 2020 was when his dad stayed because she didn't realise it was only 1 parent allowed to stay and she had ad deadlines and friends to see. November 2020 and Feb 2021 reassessment, appeal and losing keiras again. Now hes in again after shes just completed paperwork for something, her engagement is low, hardly any ads, needs a reason to excuse blowing thousands on a holiday or trying to get a gifted holiday and she is low on content so hospital stays, appeals and holidays will help her get some content flowing again and the dollar rolling in.