The Nurse Mum #15 not to be confused with Distracting Kaytee

She seriously needs therapy. And I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, she needs to work through her feelings and thoughts with a professional. Because she’s been all over the place and contradicting herself for years.
I cannot even imagine how heartbreaking it is to lose a child, I really can’t. But she still seems so angry and bitter at regular people for living their lives. Angry at people for not being overtly grateful their children are alive, wanting to hold the monopoly of grief at all times. She just has zero compassion for any person or situation outside of her own bubble because he’s had it worse.
She seriously needs therapy. And I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, she needs to work through her feelings and thoughts with a professional. Because she’s been all over the place and contradicting herself for years.
I cannot even imagine how heartbreaking it is to lose a child, I really can’t. But she still seems so angry and bitter at regular people for living their lives. Angry at people for not being overtly grateful their children are alive, wanting to hold the monopoly of grief at all times. She just has zero compassion for any person or situation outside of her own bubble because he’s had it worse.

it’s more than the grief of him dying I think, there’s the bitterness and grief at him having been disabled to begin with. I’ve got a disabled child, there’s a process you go through when you find out, to grieve the healthy child you imagined and the experiences you dreamed of having. I genuinely don’t think she ever worked through these feelings properly - hence dragging him on trips that weren’t appropriate and things like the feeding school. Then his death’s likely compounded those feelings. It all needs unpicking with help from a professional.
What was their argument about as someone said in the comments something about there being resentment and she said there wasn’t resentment the gf fucked up. Guessing she cheated then