The Masked Singer UK #10

Yeah for a non professional he was an alright singer, plus crowd pleasing songs like you say, and cute costume. I'd actually like to see a non professional winning it sometime.
I don’t think this will happen. If you look at all ten of the US winners all of them have sang before.
I think the singers will always win eventually
The ITV2 I don’t know why they keep Ken, he was arguing with Jenny about a singer being Donnie, he was adamant, then Jenny pointed him out in the audience 🙄. He then came out with Jennifer aniston
Series 9 has just finished (though the on screen info said 6 🤷‍♀️) and 10 has started, the standard is high and they have big names. (though I have no clue who some are) but I don’t understand how some incredible singers don’t win