Stay with me on this one! We all slate him but is it justified?
Take this current trip. He's away from home again and had to stay in a Premier Inn. The next day he flies for 10 hours, in economy (it makes your heart bleed), and if that wasn't bad enough, not only did he have someone next to him, but the woman in front reclined her seat (sorry, bear with me, I'm welling up here
). He's done all this for you and I. Taking trips halfway around the world to show us driverless cars. I mean, if that's not dedication I don't know what is.
I'm not just talking about this. The guy is stretching himself left, right and centre. When gets back he's got to take his partner and kids to a UK seaside town for a few days, in what will then be late October, so they don't feel they've missed out on the Golden Gate Bridge. Not only this, he's now bought a house that was fit to move into, but yet just weeks after, it needs renovating. He's had to go back to kipping at his ex's in Mansfield. You can't help but shed a tear.
Remember when you're slagging the guy off that if wasn't for him we wouldn't know the texture of chips or the pitfalls of owning a Porsche. You're not alone in slating him, unbelievably others do too, often with bad grammar. I'm surprised the guy is still standing.
So please fellow Tattlers, join me in saluting our glorious hero who does all this for you and I, putting up with a few female stalkers in the process.
MacMartyr, we love you!
EDIT: For bangs to the head, should I go.to A&E?