I did actually watch it all the way through and had mixed thoughts. The scenery he filmed was lovely.
The first hour was his usual rants and assumptions about EV's and their drivers. Apparently most are swingers, old people and/or vegans!?! He really does talk some shite.
He banged on about people telling him he should plan his journey and that he doesn't want to. Well this bit him in the arse because after 2 hotels being full, the one he did pass with rooms was £300 a night. He ended up sleeping in his car.
He also banged on about how "crazy" it was because he had no phone signal in the Highlands and that it was so remote with just mountains and lochs! What was he expecting, Milton Keynes?
The man is an absolute fool if he thought a trip to Skye was a good idea without booking accommodation first, in summer, in one of the most popular but equally remote parts of the UK. How does this muppet get up every morning.
He also makes sure not to like my comments now on his YouTube. The comment below was far less critical than many others on there, but since I (and others) were removed from the MacBullshitter Facebook Lovefest, he's decided that whatever I put, he won't like it. OK I get it because I've not exactly being nice about him, but Lee if you're reading, this is why...
1) Your health videos have made me see you for what you are. A self-obsessed man who will stop at nothing to get some clicks.
2) Your clickbait headlines. Most of which aren't even true. Stonehouse pubs for example. It's not marketing as you call it, it's downright wrong.
3) Your lies. If you're going to lie to us, remember what you're lying about. Do you own this car or lease it? You've said both on your last video. These aren't your only lies! Sadly for you some of us aren't the normal demographic who follow you (i.e. low IQ).
4) The fact you're spending your inheritance from your mum - who in fairness seemed a lovely lady - on basically one long jolly and disguising it as work! How about investing that in your kids future?
5) You seem to use everyone you meet. Big Dave for lifts to the airport, your ex-wife for a place to stay because you're clearly of no fixed abode right now, oh and to charge your car. I notice you once said Sarah won't let you have a charger there. Darren John is another case in point, and I've read things from someone in Leeds who you accused of stalking you.
I used to like you and in fairness some of your videos are still good, but the above has made me think you're a moron. Instead of being a child and purposely not liking comments on your YouTube, why not have a think about how you come across to a lot of us. You're the problem Lee, not us!