Now now they work hard remember
So it's come to an end. Like many things in life it's run its course. My days of being a "lodger" are over. I doubt very much this will be authorised by moderators or admin and I doubt very much that they will give a
tit, over the past 3 years since I started watching, you have gone from being a fun down to earth pair, to a horrible, rude, obnoxious abusive person, someone who things that they are ALWAYS right about everything, yet doesn't really know much about anything.I have noticed that there has been some questionable comments being said, I have also noticed that the level of how shall I say smugness has increased along with the level of rudeness towards us "Joe bloggs". Now they won't care a jot, but when the rude, I think I know it all attitude and obnoxious behaviour is directed towards one of my family members, that sir is when you have crossed the line, I know I'll get blocked and probably not just by lodgers but by other vloggers too, but that is their choice. Like I say you have crossed the line, so next time you have something to say then I think that really you should keep your mouth well and truly shut. You won't be bothered about this and I doubt it will be viewed, but I feel better for saying it, so in your own words.... Frig off
Who thinks this won't get accepted