Jeeze! Why on earth did pouty ‘allow’ Uncle’ prick be the one to tell the girls as you know he’s going to be mean for the views. He knew they would say Disney and now he’s telling them no toys, sounds like a bundle of Fu****g fun to me! How are they going to face those girls when they announce the DLP trip that we all know they’re going on!
Another shared sandwich but prick got the crisps and salad, and half a flapjack each.
Another quorn curry this time with feta cheese
Another ‘omelette’ but who puts an omelette under the grill ? An omelette is not browned under a grill it’s cooked in a pan and folded as served.
How come there’s been no mention of costs for the camper van trip? Who thinks they have blagged a Freebie promising 1000’s of bookings due to their PR?
Every time I think it can’t get worse they go and exceed my expectations!