So by deleting and blocking all comments and question on the subject, They’ve basically confirmed they’ve been using a Das pass.
Maybe that night when they didn’t finish the vlog corresponded with the day we first busted them out on it? I can see them being really angry that we instantly instantly spotted that scam.
So every other hotel and rental home in the Orlando area was closed then?
Adam is single, has his own company selling his own branded products and vlogging is his other income, so that's where he get his money from. People might not like him but at least his information is accurate. He was a regular traveller to Florida pre-covid so nothing new on his part.
They got a bargain cruise, Prick was very excited as it was $259 each (i think) they said about it n the travel day vlog. So it won't be disney it will be one of the booze cruises for 3 days that the Americans love!
Booze cruise for Mona Leighsa right up their street......