The Dibb is a curious place. Since covid many of the regulars have become pure political. Everything they post is coming from their political position and if they see poster X post that the sky is blue they have to say it's green because they disagree politically with them. The coronavirus forum was a cesspool last year. They have loads of time, loads of money, are completely detached from the real world and use the forum for validation. ''Should I put my lad up in the GF for a fortnight or should I give him a house deposit'', ''I was reversing her indoors' Mercedes this morning when I nearly clipped my Audi'' That's the type of rubbish you see them post. Complete inability to comprehend why the rest of the world didn't just become nurses and civil servents 40 years ago and retire on big pensions so lots of scoffing at millennials and people who can't afford Virgin Premium and all gone delirious from sitting home talking about covid all day for 2 years.
Tried to look through their vlogger thread there but 1 page in and they're all squabbling over covid already
I like some of the trip reports but the forum is gone so bad I'd prefer watching LGs to reading their BS.
They're not accurate anywhere now I think because the whole thing has gone completely out of control. Where I am you cannot get a test. So many people looking for tests that the system is totally swamped and they're saying now that 75% of people with a cold actually have covid. It's gone from 2% of tests being positive to over 70%. They've also said that the PCR is too sensitive and some of the ppl testing positive are actually recovered cases so they are considering antigen testing instead even though a few months ago they told us those were useless . Whole thing is a mess at the moment and FL is a few weeks behind us with omicron.