Okay, so at this point, I've had at least 4 glasses of wine (even though I said I'm having 1. So again, bear with me).
- Black people are the beginning of the next renaissance, because that's how much their dollars are worth. ( I agree with black culture being popular culture. Therefore highly profitable).
- Interviewer Jason Lee asks why Kim gets praised for her relationship with Trump, but Kanye gets bashed.
- Kanye says its his fault, because he does thing to make people "mad", so he can't complain.
- Kanye used to have Uber on his phone, but he was getting cancelled on Uber more than the black culture keep cancelling him, so he doesn't use it anymore. He speculates: "Who's in charge of Uber? The black culture??
- He states he's in fact worth 10 billion!
- Despite all of this, Kanye refuses to have security for himself. He believes security can sometimes set people up. He says that God is his only security.
- Kanye wants everyone to know he is a trend setter, and was the first person to ever wear motorcycle jeans. & they were specially made for him:
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- Kanye's cousins (who a women) spoke to Kim, and sided with Kim because it is easy for women to relate to women.
- Kanye's mum grew up fighting for her rights and for black people to not be segregated. So Kanye wearing the 'red hat's him fighting for his rights to choose what side of politics he wants to be on. He says why can't black people support trump/ have a different choice?
- Kanye dwas told his career would be over if he didn't vote Hillary Clinton but doesn't believe he has to be forced to agree with people, or change his beliefs. This was the biggest reason he ended up in hospital. Because he was sick of defending his rights/ opinions.
- He believes he is a future president. It might not be 2 or 3 years from now, but it will happen.
- Kanye took a flight to meet Ray J, to get Kim's old laptop
from him. Kim cried when Kanye gave it to her, because it represented how far she's come, and how much people judged her.
- Kanye is upset about Kim planting stories about him with the media
- He's upset about the SNL skit with Pete.
- He's going to make everything legal (he's ready to take Kim to court!)
That's the end of my cliffs