The Kardashians #21 You next in line Mx Jenner (Mrs Doubtfire)

Not quite yet but there's no question they are not as relevant as they once were.I mean,who gives a tit about Kylie's new drinks brand?.But there's another generation on the horizon,watch Kim in particular,start pushing her kids to the forefront,she's already doing it with North.
But North is 10...beyond the TikTok generation - who even really cares?
I’ve watched a few coachella 2024 vlogs and sprinter cans (kylies newest venture😑) were put in fridges for influencers to try out and almost everyone said they didn’t like it and opted for the more well know brands… just another venture for kylie to try and make money off people because it’s related “kylie Jenner” but this was a flop
818 and chamberlain coffee 👀👀
