Wish there was somehow to comment somewhere how while she is packaging up those notebooks and whatever else crap she's got she doesn't wear gloves, plays with her hair how many times. Touches her face, usually has herpes somewhere on her face, doesn't wear a hairnet or mask. She can put as much sanitizer on her sausage roll hands as she wants but it's of no point with the amount of times she touches herself. She probably goes out everyday as well. Doesn't wear a mask or gloves, barely washes her hands Just going out to the stores you can pick up the virus. I know because it happened to me I got sick just going once a week to the supermarket. Now I don't want to go anymore. There is no way in hell they should be shipping out anything. Is there somehow they can be reported?They sold their souls to the devil long ago. What it is to have all those possessions, a big house a big cara-van etc etc. They got lucky and have milked and milked this Ifam brand to the max. They haven’t had to physically work hard for it. They must think it’s worth it though to have all these material things no matter how much abuse they get. They are just common shameless chancers on the make for whatever they can get. No different than drug dealers hooking a innocent kid to heroin. They have the audacity to say they deserve that life cos they put themselves out there every day. They wouldn’t have that life if it wasn’t for utube. They are gonna have a hard fall soon back to reality. Watching Sarah’s rants will be putting the Ifam off most definitely. She can’t help herself and the self promoting “show me the money” frigging notebooks. She said she wasn’t going to sign them but now she is? Couldn’t be bothered more like but now she’s got nothing better to do has she?
If I had been the parents of those other girls Chris was filming I would have requested itYes Sarah come on you rant about trivial things and ignore the major more concerning comments you get daily, come on why are you pimping out Isabelle, why did you lower camera YOU HER MUM when Chris was thrusting her backside whilst he span her about, do not deny it you were the one holding that camera, you are a very disturbed woman, you can actually see you lower camera and zoom in, also why why why is Chris allowed to behave like that towards a child your child, your meant to protect her keep her safe, I know you have a relative that's been in jail for offences relating to this subject, are you a supporter are you an instigater, are you part of it, let's rewind pool party your old house, Chris behind camera filming young girls going down slides zooming in on bottoms that are wet and you can see detail you've put that on social media, you have time stamps on that video, delete the video if your a normal protecting human being, but you won't because it's making you money. Come Sarah give us a rant about what Chris has been called, the allegations of you taking indecent pics of your girls, where is the Instagram you removed knowing it had pictures of Isabelle as a child provocatively licking a lolly. Come on. And don't give its the trolls the footage pictures it's all saved, it can be proven. So I too challenge you to speak out about everything and put to bed all the past 2years which surely is what you want.
While you are at it, you know, addressing the trolls...and the IFAM who are turning against you...any response to:
1) Your husband sexting a sixteen year old who has autism?
2) Your husband asking a young woman to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement after having sex in a hotel?
3) The fact that your Mother in Law grooms/bullies impressionable IFAM and ex IFAM
4) The fact that your Brother in Law is no longer starring on your Television Show
5) I would never say a bad word about your children... however, the diet you feed them is so unhealthy. Why?
So, next rant, please do start with these. Your YouTube engagement and MONEY will go through the roof!
Anything for views, eh Sarah love.
Let’s not forget the leaving the baby on a beach ‘conspiracy’I'd also like a word or two on the driving ban (just whilst we're submitting requests )
Oh Lazy!Quit passing the buck!We people with morals lknow your PO Box should have been closed ages ago!Now go rant about that!Ooooooo!
Just an observation, why do they not have stair gates? Jace is at an age where he is climbing, it’s an accident waiting to happen
Might be in the garage or on eBay.Probably don’t have room in the house
Exactly this. The amount of rants we’ve had over people saying her blankets come from china etc, but her husband being called a pervert and her kids getting bullied at school for it and nada? Sarah, you okay Hun?Can't believe she's pissed her pants all over the internet over chocolate eggs and prams, but hasn't kicked off about her husband piping a girl in a hotel. What a weirdo.
96 threads about you and your dysfunctional family so far. Boom! Thank you!
Hooray! More covid-19 infested merch.
Okay, you win. Brilliant96 threads about you and your dysfunctional family so far. Boom! Thank you!