Lazy and the girls just woke up on the caravan and it's April Fools time.
She woke up to a text saying schools reopen tomorrow and it's the last day home and she made Esme cry and then after 20 minutes she revealed it was an April Fool. It took Isla 20 minutes to turn the ipad on and check.
Isabelle says they woke up and got ready. It's the last day of the 'holiday' and time to go back to the house.
Creepy tells us it's Wednesday and they're having lunch. They're pleased they could do the caravan for the girls. Creepy had trouble with Jace because he woke up at 4:30 and woke up every 30 minutes but Creepy was up all night with sciatica pain.
He's suffering badly with it and can hardly move. He had to call the doctors and got new medication to try but he's been in pain all day and night. It's up his left leg and in his spine and its getting worse but he thinks it's because he's stopped taking his anti inflammatories.
He knows it's over the top to stop taking them but when you have covid 19 symptoms you stop taking them but you can take them if you don't have symptoms. So have you had symptoms and still been going out Creepy?
He's started taking them again this morning. He's glad they were able to give the girls the two nights in the caravan and give them amazing memories.
They moved the printer from the dinning room into the kitchen and Jace has been interested in it. He pressed a few button and cried yesterday morning because he'd turned it on.
The girls are cleaning the playroom. There's a cardboard box in the hallway and Creepy says he's about to take it downstairs. Your back can't be that bad then, Creepy.
Isabelle is cleaning out the LOL house. It was a mess and she wanted to tidy it.
Isabelle says she has set up the LOL stuff and she's about to surprise the girls with it. They haven't been allowed in the playroom for an hour and have been in the bedroom drawing and facetiming.
Lazy says Creepy is downstairs doing work. She is upstairs in the playroom with the girls and Jace Lazy has cleaned the caravan. She's got something cool, for the girls to do. She wants then to draw a stickman on a plate and pour water onto it because she's seen it done online. Isla gets behind Lazy and shows off her top, pulling faces as usual. Isla shows a toilet roll tube she's drawn on.
They go downstairs and they choose their pen. Lazy chooses black because when the person did it online they used that colour and she wants to minimise a fail. They draw their stickmen and Lazy say's Esme's looks like Simon Cowell. Lazy goes first. It's meant to come of the plate whole but hers just disintegrates. Isabelle asks to go next but Lazy says Isla is next.
It's meant to come off the plate when you pour water onto it but only Esme's works properly.
A few people have been asking what's been going on with dance They can't go to the dance school at the moment due to the virus. Lazy says a lot of drama clubs and dance schools will go out of business because of the virus and because no one can go there. The school put out a request that parents continue to pay the dance fees and everyone has agreed to. They're doing the dance classes via zoom. Isla is doing her tap class and Lazy films it.
Isla has finished her dance class and Esme is about to do hers. Isla is helping to pack the notebooks. Great idea Lazy considering it's been said that kids carry the virus but don't show symptoms.
Great way to pass it on. Lots of people have been messaging to ask if they an hold some notebooks left because they get paid on Friday but they have another 300 arriving this week so no one needs to panic. If you've ordered one you will get them in the next few days as they have a courier coming to pick them up. I doubt that is the truth though because her eyes are al over the place when she says that.
Jace is out in the garden. He pushes his car and Creepy tidies the garden. Jace trips over, hits his forehead on the ground and Creepy films him screaming. They don't even check him off properly and then Lazy just puts him down. Creepy wants to get a delivery of ramps and rails so he can skate during isolation but Lazy says no. More footage of Jace in the garden.
Lazy gives Jace his dinner of pie, mash and veg. The pastry pie has a hard crust so surely he won't be able to eat it. They give that baby far too many foods that he shouldn't be having.
Isabelle is upstairs with the girls. They're about to watch a movie with snacks.
Lazy says they'ce cleaned up after dinner. Jace cries and Lazy says he's off to bed. She's about to do a live on Instagram. Lazy reads him the book Chantella sent before bed.
Lazy did an Instagram live on Baby and Me and plugs her Instagram. She doesn't normally do lives but she has the blankets at home. So many people loved them but she gives us a sneak peek. They're horrible floral patterns. She got a designer to draw a pattern because she couldn't find a design online. If none of them sell she'll keep them for herself because she loves them. If she had to choose a favourite it would be the hexagonal one but she loves all of them.
When Lazy order them through her supplier she orders a certain amount there's a 5% clause so she might get 5% more or less. That's it for tonight's vlog. Comment down below your favourite blanket and she's hoping to get them on the website tomorrow.
End of vlog
Personally I wouldn't give a baby a pie like that. Does he even have enough teeth to chew the crust?