Poor Esme has a 'wtf' look in the thumbnail. The poor girl looks so uncomfortable.
Creep starts the vlog. It's day two of the meet and greet and they are about to leave the hose on time. They realised they forgot Creepy's camera when they were halfway to Mary Shortle yesterday. Jace has learnt a new trick this morning; he's learnt to climb the stairs. Lazy has put her dress on backwards.
Lazy says they had an amazing day yesterday. She's spoken online to a few people who are going today. On the way she has a pile of the 'I've met the Ingham Family' postcards to sign.
They are in Leeds but Creepy didn't anticipate the traffic. He can't get over the buzz from yesterday and he is off to get a chai latte. He doesn't know whether to go through the back way or go via the front of the shop. He decided to go via the arcade. There's a lot of people stood outside but he doesn't show them on camera.
Creepy asks Isabelle how she is feeling and she says she is nervous.
Esme and Isla want some more dolls from Mary Shortle. The girls run around the rope queue divider thing and then Shortle comes up the stairs. Isabelle looks terrified when she sees her.
Creepy asks how Isla is feeling. They can take the Prinny teddy home tonight. The ifam are being let in in small groups to look around the shop and come and meet the Inghams. There's lots of noise downstairs and he wants to go and meet everyone. When he gets downstairs a couple of women says hello. No screams from his teen fans like when they gate crashed Isabelle's Lego event.
He goes and gets Jace to take him downstairs. A girl is crying when she sees Creepy and he tells Esme to hug her. Poor Esme looks so uncomfortable when doing so. They have absolutely no regard for how their children might feel around these large crowds. As long as Creepy and Lazy are allowed to show off their huge egos.
Lazy asks a queue of people how long they have waited and where they are from. They have waited three hours.
Creepy is down in the arcade. Thank you doesn't cut it. Today was insane. The meet and greet overran and it's twenty to nine. Creepy seems relieved and has no smile on his face for someone who is happy to have met his fans. He is more concerned about if he has good footage. The weekend has been one of the most humbling weekends of his life.
People were telling them stories such as their struggles with bullying, mental health and all sorts of things. He doesn't want to keep going on about how amazing it was. Creepy is off to get the car so they can put all the gifts people bought them in it. They want to do more meet and greet this year. Thank you to everyone who has supported them. It means a lot to the girls and will mean a lot to Jace as he grows up.
Esme thanks everyone who came went to the meet and greet. It's been the best weekend but she seems to just be saying it and it's so scripted.
Creepy is downstairs sat on Lazy's lap. The girls are in bed and Granny has gone home. He is excited for a cup of tea. It's been an amazing weekend and Lazy says they are grateful to the ifam. The ifam inspire the Inghams as much as the Inghams inspire them.
Lazy doesn't have favourites but she mentions a girls called Daisy who is inspirational and she can't speak but she is incredible. He was speaking to the Inghams through a computer. There was tears and emotional stories this weekend. A parents asked Lazy to says something at the end of the vlog but the piece of paper is in a bag with all the rest of the letters and cards they received. There was twelve sacks of things the ifam brought with them today and there are another four at the shop as they wouldn't fit in the car.
Hopefully they will be able to go and get them in the next couple of days. They asked people what their favourite Ingham vlog was and a lot said the European road trip.She tells the ifam to comment down below what their favourite vlog is. Creepy reminds them the Prinny doll is available to preorder. Today means a lot to the girls and Jace. there is an exciting week coming up.
End of vlog
I won't add a screenshot but some of the kids really didn't look happy to have waited so long.
Who the
duck does Shortle think she is? The state of Creepy
Size 10 she is not.
Big eye little eye