Lazy attempts to sing. She's off to the office and do some work. Isabelle's school didn't open until 10:30 due to the floods. They're just dropped her off. Jace is shouting in the background and Lazy says his hair is really blonde today.
Jace slept on the way home yesterday and he didn't fall asleep until 11pm. Lazy's pleased as she got 6 hours sleep. She says Creepy is walking around the house stiffly. He seemed absolutely fine a couple of seconds ago when he walked behind her though.
Creepy says he isn't walking around and he's lying down. He isn't a hypochondriac and doesn't go to the doctors much. He doesn't know what's wrong but when he got out of the car yesterday his back felt heavy. He says he drove home, we believe you Creepy.
His back got worse throughout the day and he couldn't move later in the day. He took
pain and felt rough last night. He physically couldn't get out of bed when he woke at 5 to do the vlog.
His back is in the worst pain and it goes around to his stomach. It's definitely his spine and he's off to hospital. Lazy thinks it's because she jumped on him. He's due to fly out on Wednesday to a huge skate event and he has to be in the best condition and be able to perform as a cameraman. He's off to hospital and hoping for good news.
Creepy needs some sympathy. Has anyone seen my violin?
Lazy is in the office and Creepy has blurred the whole table so there must be some top secret classified MI5 information on there that the ifam cannot see. She says Creepy thinks he's Lord Sugar. She thinks part of the shelves will be completely empty by the end of the day. Time lapse of Lazy packing orders.
Jace is sat in his seat eating a wrap. Lazy says she has loads packed and still lots to do. Creepy is doing international orders. He has had to take a break to go and pick up Isabelle. She phoned Lazy crying because a boy has been shouting stuff to her about everyone in the family (probably Creepy). She laughs whilst saying this. Nice to see you find your crying daughter hilarious, Lazy.
Isabelle is very resilient when it comes to bullying and says she is an anti bullying ambassador. Lazy says it's because of the way she has been brought up and how they've explained to her how some people work but through YouTube and social media she will see negative comments and delete them. Isabelle is seeing a therapist to let things out that are bothering and worrying her but the therapist has never expressed any concerns to Lazy. Isabelle's schoolfriends see what is written online and the 'cretins' shout things out in the corridor and augh and joke about it. Lazy blames the parents and says her kids know not to bully. There's no way she's leaving Isabelle at school when she is crying like that so Creepy has gone to speak to her head of year and pick Isabelle up. What an awkward conversation that must've been. 'Yes I'm a creep and groomed kids but I won't apologise to my victims, I'll just let my step daughter deal with the consequences'.
Lazy has been sorting orders and can't stop thinking about something she just said. She doesn't want to offend anyone.
She knows it's not always the parents' fault that their child bullies others. The intention isn't always to cause harm and sometimes they just want to impress their friends. Some of the stuff the Inghams have seen and been attacked with over the past two years make Lazy wonder how other parents can act like that and what they are teaching their parents. She tells all the trolls watching to teach their children to be nice to others, even if they can't.
A couple of hours later and Lazy has Isabelle being a slave.
She says Isabelle finds it calming. Isla is at the office and babysitting Jace. A couple of people have ordered one of every single product.
Lazy is picking Esme up and going to the post office. Creepy is taking the girls home but Lazy has to o back and do more work. Lazy sat and spoke to Isabelle when she got home about her feelings so it took an hour out of the day. Lazy has a busy week, she's off out with a friend tomorrow and on Wednesday she's going out with Katrina and Nanna to sped her pension.
That means she's unavailable until Thursday and it's unacceptable not to ship items until then.
Back home and Creepy is home with Esme. Jace has fallen asleep in Esmes lap.
At the office and Esme has text a photo of her and Jace to Lazy. Isabelle and Isla have chosen to stay at the office. Isla is eating grapes and wittering on about saving the planet again whilst eating grapes out of a plastic bag that will be thrown away in ten seconds. She's making a poster that is going to be laminated in plastic.
Isabelle and Isla have made cuppa soup in the kitchen. You can tell Isabelle has been crying but she says Lazy gave her a cold. Isla says she has a cough
Creepy is moaning about his back again. He's been having a few health issues in the past few weeks and doesn't sleep much. He hurt himself in Alicante but he's been fine since returning.
He didn't get to go to hospital because of Isabelle and he wanted to make sure the people who upset her were dealt with appropriately. Did he send them a Levi letter?
His back is better than it was in the morning but it's just not good. he has crazy stuff coming up this week with skating so hopes he feels better tomorrow. First thing in the morning he's going to hospital if it hurts no matter what if his back is still bad.
jace is in the kitchen playing with Isla's PE kit He was trying to get dressed. Creepy cackles and a few second later Jace reaches for the bleach and Creepy moves it away.
Riddle of the day.
Creepy is at the office the next day. Jace was unwell yesterday evening. He had a rash on his tummy and they didn't think much of it. They thought it was viral or a clothing rash. In the evening he was whingey and had a fever. they put him to bed and forgot to end the vlog. Jace seems fine this morning. Creepy needs to arrange couriers for international orders and needs to prepare for the next day as he is travelling tomorrow.
End of vlog.
My opinions
I can imagine the Ingham girls being little bullies themselves. They have their parents to learn from, two of the biggest bullies on YouTube. All the troll accounts they have set up to silence people and the lies they have told to get information, the people they have doxed, the campaign against Izzy to name a few examples.
Remember when Sarah said her niece was being bullied and it later came out that she was instigating some of it herself. I'm not saying tat's what happened here but the Inghams have a history of twisting the truth.
I have seen a few comments, apparently from some of Isabelle's classmates, at various points of their YouTube career saying that Isabelle isn't very nice to them. I bet these comments were all deleted and ignored because Isabelle can do no wrong.
I wonder what Lazy would actually do if the therapist expressed any concerns to Lazy.
If they announce a pregnancy soon then we know why Creepy's back is hurting.