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I will be shocked if Isabelle gets above a 4 in any of her GCSEs
It's obviously Sarah lying again, going bt the old marks!Not watched but scanned through because as a teacher myself im intrigued. The while but law’ you have to choose from 4 Blocks is a load of rubbish!!!! And as for the A* rubbish...why is that school still marking on an old system. her written work strong enough to gain her the top grade Sarah thinks? Drama is no longer wholly practical so she’d have her work cut out. And as for the amount of school missed...what other kids would want to work with her in groups with the amount she misses.
Yeah we all signed and shared a long time ago now and nothing came of itHere is the petition i mentioned
I'm genuinely confused at how she can appear so anxious yet apparently be fantastic at drama. The two don't pair. I'm wondering if this anxious act is her acting for the TV show. We've seen her on that Insta Post being a normal confident teen and she was also a very gobby self assured child in previous vlogs.Personally I think it's disgusting they vlogged this. Poor Isabelle now has the world knowing her business. That's a lot of pressure to an already anxious and nervous teen.
Many children have to have learning support and do drop subjects if the workload is too much for them. There is no shame in it but Isabelle's peer group may not be as understanding. Plus we here have said for months, Isabelle is not given anytime to complete homework or it's rushed last minute late at night. I don't think Isabelle has learning struggles, she just has parents who are too wrapped up in making money for the now they're sacrificing their daughters future in the process by not supporting her education.
Money doesn't buy a good education Sarah, good education needs support and encouragement at home aswell as in the classroom.
I was just about to say this, when my daughter was at school, this was an option for the lower sets, the children who struggled. Saying that given how much time she has off school she probably needs the help, it's not like she's going to get it from home is it?!yeah learning support at my school was for if u were struggling in your classes, its such a shame
I'm genuinely confused at how she can appear so anxious yet apparently be fantastic at drama. The two don't pair. I'm wondering if this anxious act is her acting for the TV show. We've seen her on that Insta Post being a normal confident teen and she was also a very hobby self assured child in previous vlogs.
I was honestly so gobsmacked when she used that as a rational! For how much they spend a year on school fees to get their children the best education and ALLLL their travelling educational trips she seems to know so little!I liked how Lazy and Isabelle discussed doing a language and decided on Spanish due to lots of countries speaking that whereas German and French are only spoken in Germany and France. God help those children with that idiot as a mother.