The Ingham Family #356 Who cares if my children are delayed? As long as I get paid!

It’s really tragic olive doesn’t even realise she needs a new toothbrush and she’s knocking on 20

i wonder if she even knows how to change a empty toilet roll over

Olive is beyond useless

cant drive - no friends - no social life with people of her own age - looks very smelly

she Needs a total reality check
Until she is engaging with others outside of her family and, the ifam she won’t get it. Yes she can go online, well in theory personally I think Chrish white lists sites so they can only access them and what he chooses them to see, but she needs to see for herself up close what family actually is to then realise this is not it and that, sadly isn’t going to happen.

Life without family, unable to trust anyone to actually be there and help because your family weren't is really tough. Reach out and be told you must have understood, are lying, attention seeking….
That's cos who else would be friends with them other than creepy noel and Sue
Exactly having friends is something kids have daily. Kids see their friends on a daily basis shows you how big it is for them to be spending a weekend with other humans 😂 the inghams spending a weekend with a family you’ve met twice in 7 years and she’s all hyped up and using the word friends non stop 😂
Was funny aswell that big Saz had to bribe the radford kids with sweets and chocolate to get them into her cabin so she could get a few clips of jace with other people and a good thumbnail. Looked like Archie and sues grandson just came in for the sweeks then left same with the girls although they had to hang about in the cabin for a bit while Saz made up the sweet bowls.
She probably got that from creepy though how to lure kids in with sweets. 👀
Has big Saz been posting on Reddit?


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Absolute state of Borabelle’s toothbrush in her latest TikTok 🤮. I know she’s technically an adult, but so are some of my children and if I walked in their bathroom and saw that monstrosity of a toothbrush, I’d be chucking a new one in my basket for them when I went shopping!! Saz really does nothing for those kids, there isn’t a caring bone in her body !

Realistically, how long does it take for a manual toothbrush to get that worn out?! I'm guessing around 18 months to 2 years. But let's assume they have separate toothbrushes for when they are at Le Maison de Brick and when they are at the Dubai mansion. Which could mean that, since that toothbrush only gets used when they are traveling, it's a possibility that it is multiple years old.

No wonder their teeth always look so grim. No professional dental care, and no consideration for a dental routine by the parents. Learned behaviour on Isabelle’s part. She just does what everyone else in the house does. I don't suppose it even occurs to her to use any of her riches from her entrepreneur mega cute business to purchase her own basic needs...
Today's PreserveTube link. No views, no ads. 🙂

Aaaah has Borabelle has befriended a fly again. How lovely. The pros of not showering :poop:
Shame Jace wasn't wearing one of those smart watches when his "safety conscious" mother left him alone on the beach, as a baby, eh, Saz? 🤬

They really are the last people who should be promoting safety gadgets. 🙄

Also, Chrish videocalling Isla and calling her "baby" has put me right off my dinner. 🤮
Is that the birthday coat Saz is wearing that was definitely, absolutely too big for her?

Fits her like a glove 😂. I’d love to catch the pig in the wild!

Bora-Snore hanging with the wee toots as usual. None of them have any idea how to interact with ‘outsiders’.

Once the tit show has been flushed, I can see the poor girls swapping the Ingham cult for an actual institution because they can’t do ‘normal’ life.

I see a lot of the scary things children go through and their behaviour after coming out of very bad situations with their ‘parents’, they are all on this track