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The contrast between how my grandson is brought up to how Rodney is, is immense. Yesterday when they FaceTimed my son said his favourite toy, atm, is an empty milk bottle so I said put some dry pasta and rice in the bottom and let him shake it. This morning we‘ve had a video of him shaking the life out of this milk bottle with one hand (it’s only a small one) while banging on his high chair tray with a plastic spatula. How much his mummy appreciated that after her works Christmas party last night, I‘m not sure.
This afternoon he’s been making banana and blueberry muffins with our daughter-in-law and now they’re all bundled up walking around their village looking at the Christmas lights on people’s houses. His little eyes are like saucers. There’s not been any money thrown at him, just time and attention. For Christmas he’s having 6 presents from them, some aren’t new, but he’s loved and adored. He’s never been shoved in a car seat for hours on end, he’s clean, well fed, sleeps through the night and has a routine where he’s in bed every night by 7.30pm, sometimes earlier.
Sarah and Chrish have their priorities arse about face when it comes to their children. You absolutely should change your lifestyle when you have a baby. I’m not saying don’t go on holiday or stop going on days out, but you shouldn’t expect to travel in a van across Europe with a child in a car seat for hours, or sleep in until midday because it’s selfish and impedes the baby’s development.
This afternoon he’s been making banana and blueberry muffins with our daughter-in-law and now they’re all bundled up walking around their village looking at the Christmas lights on people’s houses. His little eyes are like saucers. There’s not been any money thrown at him, just time and attention. For Christmas he’s having 6 presents from them, some aren’t new, but he’s loved and adored. He’s never been shoved in a car seat for hours on end, he’s clean, well fed, sleeps through the night and has a routine where he’s in bed every night by 7.30pm, sometimes earlier.
Sarah and Chrish have their priorities arse about face when it comes to their children. You absolutely should change your lifestyle when you have a baby. I’m not saying don’t go on holiday or stop going on days out, but you shouldn’t expect to travel in a van across Europe with a child in a car seat for hours, or sleep in until midday because it’s selfish and impedes the baby’s development.