It’s getting absolutely weirder and weirder by the day with this family.
For years and years they are with each other every single day every month of the year with not one other person in sight ( except strangers in queues or shops in the background)
Its been about 6 years since they’ve had a single person at a birthday or Christmas
( except his parents) every single celebration it’s just themselves it soooo weird considering they are a family of 8 of all different ages.
Saz and the older ones will pretend they have friends to make themselves sound normal on vlogs but surely behind the scenes they are saying to Saz that they want to have REAL friends.
I’ve never seen the younger 3 interact with anyone except Katrinas boys ( 3 times in Jaces 5and half years of life) or the time she took a photo of someone and their kid collecting a parcel from something Saz was selling online or the photos she sneaks of strangers kids on caravan sites just because Jace is playing in a swing park and there happens to be a few kids around in the park aswell. It’s absolutely bonkers and the more years that are going by the stranger it’s all getting.
I know no one agrees with any of the family vloggers on YouTube but out the hundreds of them that are on YouTube the Inghams are the only family and I mean ONLY family who have no friends , no hobbies , no school , no social gatherings or social invites to anything. Yes I know there is a few vloggers who dont go to school either but the are serious in home education and still have clubs and lots of friends.
I’ve never seen another YouTube family birthday where not one other person is there.
Few examples of some
Life as we Gomez , This is how we Bingham , Dad v girls , Piggott family , Fishfam , Dyches fam , R family, Radfords, Rosie McLelland , Philips fambam , Grimwade family , The Leroys
Thats just a few as examples they all have kids different ages and ok some might not agree with everything they do but the kids are all doing something and progressing for their ages and ALL have REAL friends and all are at school/college/work apart from grimwades who home educate but the kids have lots of friends and are out everyday and activities and hobbies. Also all of the above go holidays of course they do but during term times and some only once a year. All the older kids in these families are mature , driving , hanging out , have boyfriends /girlfriends out enjoying life but Saz thinks the life she’s giving hers is the best ! She’s deluded if her kids go watch any of these channels they will see that being on YouTube shouldn’t hold you back from doing any of these normal things.
And some of these families are a lot bigger than the inghams so the “were famous” so can’t go anywhere or let the kids have friends is a lot of crap. Even world famous celebrity kids all do normal things like school and have loads of friends.
The inghams are the only family doing absolutely nothing apart from holiday every month surely they are sick of the sight of each other by now.
Anyway on the run up to Christmas we will have the annual FAKE Christmas party at Big Saz house . She will film herself out at the shops placing things for the party in her trolley then she will cut the camera and take them back out and you won’t see her buying most of it ( she done this last year) She will pretend friends are coming round then next thing you know she’s up in bed talking about the great party she’s hosted and she will get one of the kids to chime in to make it more believable so they appear normal to their dwindling fan base.
Oh and we will have the annual Lottie and her mum Stacey over so they can talk about having visitors for about 2 weeks in the run upto it and Esme can get her 20 TikTok’s with another real human being.
All the other YouTubers have REAL party’s all the time and it’s not even a thumbnail title and they don’t even mention it until the day it’s happening ……and it’s REAL
Finally if you say anything or call them out about lying about friends they delete comments and block you so it obviously hits a nerve
Can’t wait to see what lies they are going to come up with in the run upto Christmas
Anyway last thing can anyone make out a word Jace or Mila says ? I can’t make them out at all then there’s Aurora who has no expression or no sound but Saz says when the camera isn’t on she’s singing frozen and calling out for Isabelle