So last nights vlog, Sarah couldn’t even sit down outside it was so hot. The kids couldn’t stand in the garden even for a few minutes as it was too hot but Sarah has decided to buy a mud kitchen, which I won’t lie is lovely and a great addition to a useable area. However, the kids will just be standing inside looking at it as it’s too hot to play with. She rattled on about the glass jars to put stuff in. Does she not realise glass can explode in extreme temperatures. She wanted the kitchen in a specific place in the garden (not the part under cover). This woman is actually off her head bonkers. The kids will never get to play with this kitchen until maybe next year if they go back to Dubai. By the time they go back the kitchen will be ruined. Warped in the heat and sun damaged.
The greatest danger with glass containers in extremely high temps is actually that as the sunlight passes through the glass it becomes magnified. If that magnification is directed at one point for even a few minutes it will cause any flammable object it's beamed at to spontaneously combust.
It's the easiest way of all to start a campfire in Australia if you've forgotten the matches. Sadly, it's also the most common way for major bushfires to start when fools leave their empty beer & coke bottles behind, thinking they're covered because they put out last evening's cooking fire.
Plot Spoiler: No they are not and a few days of intense sunlight later, with a fresh cover of dry leaves and fallen branches - whoosh. Up she goes.
I'm sure that plastic turf is incredibly flammable...and equally sure the smoke from it is highly toxic.
She is a complete
bleeping idiot. She is cartoon character level "incompetent moron". in fact, both Dagwood Bumstead & Mr Magoo put together presented less of a public safety hazard than Big Sares.
And ffs don't anyone let Jace or Esme know that concentrating that magnified sunlight even for a few seconds on an ant or a spider will cause the unfortunate insect/arachnid to sizzle & burn. My boyo got into his first ever fistfight at 6 stopping a kid in the school playground from doing just that. Apprently it's
de riguer here with the types who enjoy being cruel for lols.
But yes, that is how intense the heat energy it generates is.
But don't listen to me I'm just a hater who doesn't want them setting the
weekend detention centre looking hellhole sorry I mean charming & luxurious near new housing estate they've moved into ablaze, killing dozens. Because the fire trucks are stuck in a traffic jam of fully laden
tit wagons.