OK so a bit of a sidebar here. I have for several years now been keeping the lovely mum of the little boy I do respite care for up to date with what goes on at Chav Hall by the Motorway Pylons. She did attempt to watch a few but was driven mad by their utter lack of car safety devices, that being a bit of a thing with her since for almost a year she was forced to live in her car moving from place to place because the housing crisis made a single mum with a chronic illness & a 4 year old homeless. Anyway so occasionally she still asks "How are those dreadful people with the nightmare camping holidays going" and oh my word did I fill her in on the goings on in Do-Buy (my daughters).
I showed her one recent thumbnail, said to her "They've moved to Dubai" and this was our exchange:
I tried to blur out all identifying info & verboten words. If the mods want to remove it I understand but I just thought. Maybe I should tell other people about them. Like would people think I was the weirdo if I went "Hey there's this situation going on in Dubai with some underage British nationals & their creepy father that I think the embassy ought to look into"
I mean...they are British citizens. they are minors & they are being endangered morally & physically. I wish some big valid YouTuber like Markie or Charie/ Penguin would get a hold of this and bring it to the fore.
But anyway - tell a friend. They're probably going to be repulsed too and that's called public opinion when enough people get repulsed...amd it's an election year. Js. who is their local member and what sorts of pressure could be brought to get him/her/them to at least advise the Mingin Mother & Father of the Year that flaunting teenage girls in content that's freely available in a city full of dodgy characters is probably not the best parenting. Jfc they prosecuted a couple from manchester (and so they should have) for leaving their kids to go to karaoke at the pub in Spain on an all inclusive midweek off season getaway. The kids were fine btw. The staff saw the parents leave and after a few hours of knocking used a pass key to get in because they could hear noises and tv.
Not the McCanns though. Funny that
Anyway. I mean CPS will only ever act against someone not on an actual bad Council estate or a squat or living in their car when they get enough bad publicity because they've done
duck all.
If you look successful you can abuse the
tit out of your kids, emotionally, psychologically and very often sexually without them ever looking twice at you.
That may not be a popular thing to say but it is in fact a fact. I've worked in Juvenle Justice, Street Youth Outreach & managed youth hostels for decades on three continents. It's very often kids from "good" families with "stable home lives" who fall through the deepest cracks. No one even tries to save them. No one notices & when they do talk they get sent to counselling and boarding schools and church run "Reform" programmes because daddy's KC got the charges dropped. On the surface, if you've never watched a Mingin vlog, they look chavvily successful. That is as far as any CPS investigation into them would have gone.
But surely we can help drum up awareness of this new low? Maybe Dubai officials need to know. Those girls are being flung in the faces of everyone in that god awful estate on the outskirts of Dubai. Those "besties" are about as kosher as a pork chop and he's flown a fecking
drone over their airspace. He's applied for but not been accepted as a resident and he's doing this
What is he going to be like when he's got his paperwork & feels invincible?
Will he have Esme hosting dance parties on one of The Palms abandoned building sites?
I loathe that man - and as for her...
Another song dedication to them. This one comes from the heart .
(Warning for earphone users. It's very loud)
Ha-ha. I just noticed the album it's off "Jealous Again" I do love irony.