This is just a backdrop to his stupid mlm scam. He thinks he has led them to success with knowledge of all 'da codes' that stupid manipulative little prick has been looking for a get out the Farble Manor for the last year he can't do it because he has fatty convinced of the lie they have enough money to do anything they want.
Surely even fatty is starting to smell the bullshit now with this ' we all live in dubai ain't we sooooo loookie'
Ummm no you are 1 step closer to being in social housing and it looks like they are already back to square one basics , bunk beds and boxy rooms with bare furniture. The garden is awful!
The place he has been sold in heees tiny heeed doesn't exist, if they had a massive beautiful mansion with a bugatti on the drive and the chuldrun had a bedroom each, he showed his bank statement and dressed a bit more appropriately, I might just believe his lies, but I am far too intelligent to fall for his bullshit, unlike his ill educated, deluded Mrs, she is so far down his rabbit hole and has no idea about his real intentions to offload the Farble Manor, its definitely not going to be a choice fat saz to give up your biggest achievement, it's going to be a court order if he doesn't tell you the truth and get it on the market. Its clear she's digging her heels in and not allowing him to sell it, I bet he's trying though, oh this is going to end messy!
This is going to finish him, he already knows it, the pool area looks like a local lido from 1959, the house is horrible and basic, it looks nasty and boiling hot. The padding pool scene was pathetic, no Cwissy you do not exhibit a jealousy inducing lifestyle, I almost feel sorry for their lack of common sense and that it is teetering on the edge of doom for him, he is in his own private hell.
Obviously he though that house was big enough for 3 months the stupid
I had this too, so annoying!