When the camera turned and she was on about not knowing what to pack in her Hello Kitty hand luggage except for a hair claw, I genuinely felt sad for her. Coming up for 19 years old, no autonomy, no idea of what to put in her bag, no concept of what she might want to take such as a book, magazine, iPad, charger, spare knickers, tooth and hair brush, and some snacks of her choice. She is experiencing a wasted life, and has no drive to do anything about it, just being manipulated day after day by that pair of users into doing what they want but thinking it’s what she wants. She is oppressed and likely depressed and has no outside influence to measure against as to whether this is the life she wants. I would hazard a guess it isn’t, and she hasn’t developed the social skills to articulate her feelings.
Humans need friends, relationships and social interaction to function. Those “parents” have failed her and I’m starting to think it’s too late for her.
Izzy, if you’re reading this, please think about what you want from life. Life can be amazing, and colourful, and the world is a vibrant, fascinating place with so many opportunities for everyone. Don’t get to 30 and still be where you are now wondering where time went. It will go quickly. There are people who will help you.