VIP Member
Congratulations @Malcolm Conkers
- Jace the birthday brat (credit to @JustCallMeMum) turned 5 on Wednesday, although you wouldn't know it as he behaves like a 2 year old. His speech is horrendous and his attitude smells worse than Creepstopher. His education level consists of struggling to count to 10, recognising the packaging of Magic Stars and physically assaulting his younger sisters.
- Jace's main birthday present was some outdoor play monstrosities. Chris and Sarah have put them in the indoor playroom. Mila went on the slide and he yanked her by the legs down the slide after she said she was scared. Despite her being potentially mere months away from major hip surgery, her parents just laughed.
- Sarah sold some toys on Facebook and pretended that the buyer's son was Jace's friend.
- Isabelle and Sarah ranted on Instagram because people have pointed out how worryingly thin Isabelle is. Sarah shared Isabelle's BMI with the entire world.
- Sarah was taken off the NHS list for Cystopher due to missing two appointments. She harassed the hospital until she was put back on the list, but was told she has to take the first appointment offered.
- Isabelle is running her own business whilst studying psychology. Allegedly.
- The guinea pigs are still missing. Chris can't afford a £3 comb to groom Prinny. He does groom teenagers though.
Hi Steve Are you as concerned as we are about the safety of your youngest granddaughters when they are around your grandson? Aurora will soon be walking and he has the potential to do far worse than the bruises he inflicts on Mila.
- Jace the birthday brat (credit to @JustCallMeMum) turned 5 on Wednesday, although you wouldn't know it as he behaves like a 2 year old. His speech is horrendous and his attitude smells worse than Creepstopher. His education level consists of struggling to count to 10, recognising the packaging of Magic Stars and physically assaulting his younger sisters.
- Jace's main birthday present was some outdoor play monstrosities. Chris and Sarah have put them in the indoor playroom. Mila went on the slide and he yanked her by the legs down the slide after she said she was scared. Despite her being potentially mere months away from major hip surgery, her parents just laughed.
- Sarah sold some toys on Facebook and pretended that the buyer's son was Jace's friend.
- Isabelle and Sarah ranted on Instagram because people have pointed out how worryingly thin Isabelle is. Sarah shared Isabelle's BMI with the entire world.
- Sarah was taken off the NHS list for Cystopher due to missing two appointments. She harassed the hospital until she was put back on the list, but was told she has to take the first appointment offered.
- Isabelle is running her own business whilst studying psychology. Allegedly.
- The guinea pigs are still missing. Chris can't afford a £3 comb to groom Prinny. He does groom teenagers though.
Hi Steve Are you as concerned as we are about the safety of your youngest granddaughters when they are around your grandson? Aurora will soon be walking and he has the potential to do far worse than the bruises he inflicts on Mila.