And what job with a sense of purpose do ypu think Izzy could do? Thanks to mum & dad, the girl can barely string a legible sentence togeter or add up so bang goes being a clerk or a shop assistant. She's painfully shy so waitressing is probably beyond her. I suppose she could get on an an untrained nursery assistant, she certainly has the experience for that. Quite how someone taking in from the looks of her fewer than 300 calories a day & most of that probably comes back up after the vlog spot is supposed to garner the energy to chase 20 toddlers around all day I do not know.
The girl needs counselling & a suportice family with a stable lifestyle which would allow her to get that. She probably needs a residential programme. Which these idiots ought to have the money to pay for but they've squandered it on tat & terrib;e transport ideas.
Not one appointment with someone they found on TikTok and then another jolly tour of truck laybys & Maccie D carparks with the dysfunctional chavs that call themselves her parents using her as an unpaid au pair & perv bait for sadcunts & the sort of freak who get off on anorexic girls.
If ever a young woman was more to be pitied than blamed., it's Izzabelle Ingham. I don't have to like or admire the girl to feel empathy for her lost little soul. How the hell would Izzy know what to do with her life? She doesn't even know what options are out there.
Most people here
do feel sorry for her plight though and blame her good-for-nothing mother and stepfather. On the whole, people do seem to understand why she is the way she is, regardless of how likeable they find her.
Nobody is saying that she shouldn't get any MH help that she needs either. Nobody is saying that she should get a very physically demanding job or any job that is beyond her capabilities, physical or otherwise. She will need to step outside of her comfort zone though.
I get the impression that you are underestimating the girl's capabilities a bit.
Any job would be beneficial to her, even just a part time job. Surely there are lots of things that she could do and they don't need to be a 'forever career'.
Yes, she sometimes seems anxious or socially awkward but so are loads of teens and it doesn't mean that she shouldn't get a job. Loads of teens are painfully shy and still find work.
Her confidence and self-belief would improve by just getting out there and gaining some independence. Even if she just took a voluntary role helping out at the local Guides group, stables or an animal rescue, charity or something, that'd be something. I know that she's isolated, living in the village, and would rely on getting lifts but there are still loads of things that she could do, if she wanted to. Obviously it'd have to come from her because Sarah & Chris won't encourage her to spread her wings.
Assuming that she is living at home and is not in a residential clinic, is it so unrealistic to think that she could get a job and be working alongside any counselling-based treatment? I don't mean to sound harsh and unsympathetic - I want her to get help and build a better life and genuinely think a job would be of benefit in that.