The Inghams have never got the awning out before. Creepstopher has been leaving it until they got to a good site for a few days. Lazy is sat on her arse and nervous. He rolled over to give her a cuddle and they said “aaaw wow” at the view. It’s a tradition to come to this place. They came when Jace was 4 months and again when Mila was 2 months. Now they’re pregnant and back again at “Alania Elle’s prat” in Tarragona. It was the first place they were blown away by in 2019. They were disappointed in 2021 as a sea surge put the beach away. They liked the beach pitches.
They didn’t vlog yesterday and spent the day on the beach. Clips from yesterday. Creepstopher discovered that there are flakes of gold and it’s amazing. Esme got one in her hand and it’s called mica, a naturally occurring element in the sea. Lazy screeches about buckets and spades being the best invention as every generation loves them.
Back to today. They decided to check if there was availability for Alannia. Creepstopher came out and said he’d booked four nights. Mila is playing with Esme's LOL dolls and water. She pours a bucket of water over herself. They didn’t set up last night but regretted it this morning when family after family walked over their pitch. They want to get the awning and barriers out. Jace and Mila play with dolls. Creepstopher has opened the awning manual. Lazy hopes the awning isn’t broken. It isn’t. Attempts to get Mila to show an angry face. Cackling.
Isabelle has requested an omelette so Lazy is making one. Babe wants one too. Boss omelette baguette. Jace escalates his biking adventure and rides down a hill on his scuttle bug. Close up shots of the awning set up. Lazy likes the set up. Creepstopher says wild camping is nice but you have no stresses on a campsite. You can use all the water and electricity you want.
The Inghams are at the pool. Creepstopher has missed it. Pool footage.
The Inghams are back at the van. They couldn’t film much as there were a lot of chuldren around. Lazy is sorting washing and she has three huge piles.
Best to speak to Katrina about that love. If you ask nicely she might give you the number for her doctor. She wants to wash all the bedding too. She likes getting it done as it builds up quickly and “smell them fresh”. It’s difficult to dry clothes sometimes and they smell after a couple of hours. It’s good to have a good clear out and wash out. Jace and Mila haven’t been out of the mud. Katrina was always called ‘stig of the dump’ as she was always dirty and Mila is the same. Babe is going up to the washing machines in a minute do he’ll take the laundry. It saves Lazy a job. Thunder.
Creepstopher wants Lazy to see the sea. She says hello to baby girl and strokes her cheese slop tummy. Thunder.
Spaghetti bolognaise cooking. Lazy has put cheese in the mince.
Dinner is finished. Isabelle and Esme are kicking each other. Jace is hitting Isla. Bit of thunder, which Lazy calls a mega storm. Creepstopher is checking the washing line to see if his knickers are dry yet. Isla seems anxious and says she doesn't like thunder. Grabbing of phones to film the storm. Isla starts singing and squealing about Taylor Swift’s Speak Now coming out tomorrow.
This was filmed on Thursday then. She can’t wait. Jace has Isabelle's shoes on and Isla has Lazy's.
End of vlog
Definitely a couple of marks on her forehead and cheek.