Imagine being 75 and realising you ruined your childrun’s childhood by taking away their education, chance to socialise and exploiting them, for what?
Lazy/big Sarah we know you read here, your “memories” are all tainted, you’re not telling me every time Florida is mentioned, you don’t remember why you can’t visit there again, despite you saying it was your favourite place in the planet.
You’ve ruined your childrun, the sheer fact that the girls were upset you weren't vlogging the first few days because “they’d have nothing to show” says it all to me, how many normal folk vlog their holidays?
When I was young we never had photos from holidays unless it was taken on my grandads camera, that he could never work
But I’ll always remember those holidays and the fun we had, yes things have changed, and we all take pictures and the odd video, and yes some of us might upload them to our personal social media, for friends and family to see, but those girls really don’t know what a normal holiday is, it’s all done for the benefit of the vlog.
It’s not about making memories it’s about trying (and failing) to make money.
Oh and by the way Lazy, my nans 74, she still works part time and enjoys holidays away with my lovely grandad and their dog, it doesn’t hurt her to laugh, she’s not crippled in pain, I think she’d draw the line at swimming in the ocean, but she loves a glass of wine on her veranda.