Joris Bobson
VIP Member
If I could I’d heart this 1000 times over. I am actually done with this bleeping family, who the duck do they think they are and they appear to be Teflon coated. It won’t last you cock eyed bleep. Karma is on her way, taking her time but on her way.#240 creepy Chris Ingham, the cock-eyed c*nt.
smarmy, smug pricks all of them (baby aside)
I think he’s not right up top.I know whenever this is said. It’s then seen as making excuses but - there has to be something wrong with this guy. He has such an ego and is so vain, what must he see in the selfie cam that we are all missing?! Things like the pasta neck lace and now the bum bag, they make me cringe inside out. He loves himself so much…baffling.