Now Ireland can relax. I wonder if the Air BnB on Achill Island is still cleaning to get rid of the smell.
Lazy turns on a shower. A few moments later she shoves her face into the camera with her wet hair and moans about the cold shower. She films herself brushing her teeth and then films Esme brushing her teeth. Isabelle is filmed brushing her hair and teeth. We have no idea how much Lazy (who is wearing another item from Shein's Little House on the Prairie collection) was looking forward to the shower without people asking how long he would be. She hates scalding hot and ice cold showers. Esme likes it scalding. Lazy forgot her hair dryer and Esme is having a meltdown about her eyelashes. Drone shots.
Creepy is fuming. Lazy cackles because his montage of leaving the campsite didn't record. The campsite is so nice and they'll be back in the summer with the caravan and paddleboards. It's their last full day in Ireland. The first place they're off to is the toilet dump. Mila is tired. They're off to Brow Head, which they thin is the most south-westerly point of Europe but they'll have to look that up. After stopping Mila's crying, Lazy says she's so excited about their lunch date with their friends, who are making them a roast dinner. Lazy has craved a roast dinner. They're heading to Dublin after visiting their friends so they can explore the city. Creepy takes the toilet out of the van and says he hates his life. The toilet is only for night time emergencies. Lazy cackles as she films Creepy disinfecting the toilet with a wipe, telling him to get the poo poo stains off. She's joking, no one poos on the toilet.
Esme shows us how she curled her hair. Driving footage. Creepy exit the van and picks up his bag. It was a scary drive along a single track road and it's threatening to rain. This is the most southernly tip of mainland Ireland so Creepy wanted to end the trip there. No one except Creepy, Isabelle and Isla wanted to get out the van. He stopped the van at the end of the track because it looks like the road is pot holed. The sign on the gate says that if they go beyond the gate they're on a farm so unauthorised access is prohibited. It's stooooonin. Drone shots.
Back in the van, Lazy shows us that Esme did her hair whilst Creepy was doing his drone shots. They've set off to their friends. Lazy takes her hair out and it's slightly wavy. Lazy films herself getting out of the van and saying hello to the friends but tries to avoid filming their faces.
Needless to say she shows a little too much of it and I find the house in minutes, having never set foot in Ireland. Lets just say it's cheaper than Rosabelle Manor and a heck of a lot nicer too! We get a glimpse of the owner as he goes up the stairs of the house, which has a notice of liability on the front of it in preparation for the feral Inghams showing up. The chuldren don't know the Inghams are there. A boy comes to the door and doesn't look thrilled to see Lazy cackling away nervously. They have ducklings and piglets and a little girl lets Jace stroke the duck, which she says are learning how to quack. Jace chases a pig. Jace then says hello to a cow. Creepy tells him they don't chase cows because they're really big.
I think it's lovely that the Inghams have taken some time to go and visit some of Lazy's relatives on the trip. Creepy strokes the cow.
Lazy gives Mila a toy and then films the dinner. Isla's favourite is a roast dinner. The gravy looks very watery. Dessert is doughnuts and I can hear Lazy's eyes going as big as saucers behind the camera. Driving footage into the evening.
The next morning Inghams are at a café. They sit in a ski lift thing outside Cosy Café in Kinsale, which is on the way to Dublin. This was a recommendation from the friends. The cafe was another recommendation. Everyone gets a full Irish breakfast except Jace who has a mini Irish. The girls argue about guinea pigs and cats. Esme says that if Isabelle gets the at she's always wanted then she should be able to get the guinea pig she's always wanted.
Small furry creature + Jace = recipe for disaster.
The guinea pig will probably end up in the slow cooker once Lazy finds out they're a delicacy in South America. Lazy films the "so cute" colourful houses. They remind her of Isla's jeans.
The Inghams are saying goodbye to the Irish coast and heading inland. Creepy and Lazy debate how to say Dublin. Driving footage. Fuel stop at a pump that is cheaper than most villages on the Wild Atlantic Way.
A month in "Island" and Lazy still thinks the currency is pounds. This never happens in the Ingham Family but they've arrived at the port an hour early. They're always late and its a family joke. They've parked at a service station and Creepy wants a capri sun. It's 7pm and their crossing is 8:30pm. Everyone is full from breakfast.
Probably followed by a few chocolate bars for lunch. They get off the ferry at midnight so might grab something small. Creepy is having a paddy because he can't open his capri sun so Lazy mocks him. It's a cheap Aldi version.
Driving footage onto the ferry to music. Creepy locks the van and they've now boarded the boat to get back to Wales. Voiceover from Lazy "As we boarded the ferry and I looked out the windows across the vast ocean I couldn't help but sit and think about all the incredible memories we've made over the past four weeks. Some truly eye-rubbing moments of awe all laid in front of us along Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way. Beauty beyond comprehension." Shots of the kids as she speaks. Creepy has caught some of the best sunset footage he's ever taken and he had to get his vlogging camera. He's so sad and will miss it so much. Shots of the sunset and Isla watching it. Lazy "In a few short hours time when the sun comes up and a brand new day awaits us, we will be back home with nothing but memories to treasure forever. We didn't do much research before starting this trip. We wanted it to be the one big surprise. Ireland definitely went above and beyond anything we could ever have imagined. I've always had a zest for travel and exploring new places, and I feel eternally grateful that the six people who mean the most to me in the whole world have the same enthusiasm, zest for life and sense of adventure as I do."
Really? The kids looked bored out of their brains at times.
Rinse and repeat; mountain beach, beach beach beach, waterfall, mountain, beach beach, another mountain, zzzzzzz..... Footage of driving off the ferry and the drive home in the morning.
End of vlog
10 years old and she still doesn't now how to properly use a knife and fork